Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Prayer of Dedication

"I prayed for this child, and the LORD granted my request. In return, I am giving him to the LORD. He will be dedicated to the LORD for his whole life." And they worshiped the LORD there.
1 Samuel 1: 27-28 (God's Word Translation)

I love the Biblical story of Hannah, a childless woman, who prayed, wept, and asked the LORD for a son. Hannah promised to give her child to God for his entire life. The LORD answered. Hannah conceived, and gave birth to a boy. She named him Samuel. Hannah kept her vow, and her son served God.
I, like Hannah, prayed for a son. And I, like Hannah, promised him to the Lord.
But unlike Hannah, I failed. Forgive me, LORD, for holding on to him, and not remembering my promise to you. My son is yours!
My prayer is for children, and  their parents who dedicate them to God, their Creator.
Father God, you have a good plan for every individual. Thank you for our children...each one a gift from you. May each of our descendants love you with all their heart, mind, and strength. I pray they worship you only! For you are the one, true, living God!. You are holy, faithful, and loving. You are our Salvation! I pray they will follow and obey Jesus all their lives. Bless parents with wisdom, courage, and strength to teach your commands to these precious children. Protect them from evil. Amen.