Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Summer Reading - One Thousand Gifts

I love books.  "Too many books, too little time" describes me perfectly. Books are a gift. So are book recommendations.

My college roommate, Karen, recommended  One Thousand Gifts - A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp. I read it, and I hope you'll read it too.


Ann Voskamp is a New York Times Best Selling author, and homeschooling mom of six. She and her husband farm in Ontario. She writes for DaySpring, and has spoken at Women of Faith events. Ann is also an advocate for Compassion International.

After experiencing the childhood tragedy of her sister's death, Ann Voskamp shares her discovery of "eucharisteo" - to give thanks (Luke 22:19), and the challenge to journal one thousand gifts. Ann develops a deeper awareness of God's grace and goodness, all around, right where she lives. In the mundane, the mess, the motherhood challenges, the anxious moments...she counts. Daily life is full of God's gifts. In expressing gratitude, Ann experiences joy, and a greater desire for God's presence.

Ann Voskamp succeeds in challenging the reader to practice thanksgiving in every situation - good or bad. As I drove past a dad and his young daughter riding bikes, I immediately thought, "That's a gift."  I realized the personal impact of One Thousand Gifts. I'm inspired to live eyes-open alert, counting my blessings...A grandparent-honoring country song...little fingers plinking out first piano recital pieces... red velvet cake balls and birthday ice cream... rain soaking a parched earth...gospel brunches.

A few of my favorite quotes from One Thousand Gifts:
  • "Prayer without ceasing is only possible in a life of continual thanks." (page 60)
  • "We don't have to change what we see. Only the way we see." (page 135)
  • "Worry is the façade of taking action when prayer really is." (page 143)

Ann Voskamp invites others to share their God-given gifts at One Thousand Gifts.

One Thousand Gifts is published by Zondervan (2010); 237 pages; ISBN 978-0-310-62085-3.

What gifts has God given you today?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Perspective is defined as "the proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it."

Rumbling thunder combined with sharp cracks of Independence Day fireworks agitated our blue heeler sending her into a skittish tailspin. Standing calm and composed, I knew Chloe was safe from harm. I understood there was nothing to fear. But it was not this blue heeler's perspective. Eager to escape to kennel safety, she did not maintain a  posture of security. Huddled. Tense.  Fear in eyes. Regardless of calm assurance, she continued deep-throated growls at dark sky booming.
What was no surprise to me was upsetting and unnerving for our rambunctious cattle dog. Chloe could not see the whole picture. She lacked my perspective. But she knew who to run to when  terrified. She trusts me... at least sometimes.

Come to think of it, I'm not so different. In her eyes, I saw me. I too am unnerved by life's upheavals. Panic, fear, and doubt set in when my world shakes. I, like Chloe, don't have the ability to see the whole picture either.

But God, Creator of heaven and earth, has a different perspective. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55: 8- 9). The LORD not only sees the entire picture, He is in control of it.

Like Chloe, my understanding is limited. Like Chloe, my world sometimes trembles. And like Chloe, I need to run to my trustworthy Master, for under His wings, there is refuge (Psalm 91:4).

Friday, July 4, 2014

It is for Freedom...

Americans commemorate the nation's declaration of independence from Great Britain every July fourth. Throughout history, wars have been fought to set people free from tyranny. The most significant battle of all time was fought on the hill of Golgotha, where Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Man, gave His life for all people. Christ's sacrifice set people free from sin and death, and defeated God's enemy. "So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law." (Galatians 5:1 NLT).

Jesus, by your power, we are made free. You conquered sin and death on the cross. You are the Savior of the world and the victorious King of kings! Thank you for sacrificing your life for us! We are grateful for the freedom we have in Christ. We need your strength to keep us from sin's entanglement. As we seek Your word, help us to live as free people. In Your Mighty Name...amen.

References: John 8: 32-36; Romans 8: 1-4; Galatians 5: 13-14; 1 Peter 2:16.

Happy Independence Day!