Thursday, October 24, 2013

Restoration Man

The grass was thick, green, and freshly mowed. The tree provided cool shade. Except for the blue tarp on the roof, my house looked normal. From the outside, no one knew that things inside were a mess.
Lightning hit our home. The attic burned. Now displaced, I stared at collapsed ceilings and insulation piled on the floor. Filthy, ruined carpet along with mildewed walls produced a nauseating odor.
A restoration company arrived to remove debris and pull the carpet. The company guaranteed our house would be like new.
My circumstances reminded me how one's life can look great on the surface, while inside, it's cluttered with rubble. The consequences of a small spark of sin brought ruin. Things collapsed, leaving wreckage and despair.
Has your life looked like my house? Jesus is the Restoration Man, the only One who can clean up the rubble, the debris, the trash, the ruin. He doesn't come to make new things, but to make all things new. Allow today to be your day of restoration.
"Lord, heal me, and I will truly be healed.
Save me, and I will truly be saved.
You are the one I praise."
Jeremiah 17:14 (NCV)
How has God restored you?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Praying Friends

I joined a grandmothers prayer group because I believe communicating with God is powerful and effective (James 5:16). I believe God hears our prayers, and He answers (Psalm 116: 1-2).
My group prays for our grandchildren  and the world they live in. We experience God's Presence strength, help, hope, and peace. We encourage one another. We're committed. They are my "go-to" friends when I have a prayer request.
Do you have trusted friends with whom you pray? I encourage you to form or join a group. Record your requests and the LORD's answers. Pray consistently, and keep confidences. Thank God for all the great things He does!
What blessings have you and your praying friends experienced? Please leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you!

Friday, October 11, 2013

My "Moses" Complex

I'm a girl with a "Moses" complex.
God (calling from the burning bush): "Moses!"
Moses: "I'm here."
God: "You are going to lead my people out of Egypt. Now go tell Pharaoh."
Moses: "Who me? I'm not a good speaker."
God: "I'll help you."
Moses: "Please pick someone else."
God: "Your brother can go too. Now get on with it!"
Overwhelmed with love and a heavy concern about the culture, Bobbye held her first grandchild. Her mother's and grandmother's prayers resulted in Bobbye's relationship with the Lord. As God helped Bobbye encourage others to pray for their grandchildren, she began "Praying Grandmothers." The Lord also gave her a vision of grandmothers praying together throughout the world.
My "Praying Grandmothers" involvement came after my husband and I moved to Trinidad and Tobago. Not long after our arrival, the Lord led me in a direction I did not expect, nor believed I was qualified. He's like that- calling an old man to become the father of multitudes, a shepherd boy to be king, fishermen to be evangelists, and a young virgin to bear the Savior of the World. He nudged me to lead a grandmothers prayer group. My response - "Are you kidding me? I'm not even a good pray-er. And, I don't know any grandmothers here!" I pondered. I struggled. My very own "Moses" moment. I argued with God like Moses did. I prayed...
I gave in. "Alright, if that's what You want me to do, I know You'll make things happen. Help me meet grandmothers."
The Lord answered. My new friend Lucy, a grandmother and an intercessor, was exactly the kind of woman I needed. She introduced me to others possessing a strong desire to pray for their grandchildren.
The plan did not fall into place. I encountered challenges, delays, frustration, and doubt. But, I stayed the course.
Our "Praying Grandmothers" group was like a tiny seed planted in my heart a full year before it grew to reality. Moses led God's people out of 430 years of Egyptian slavery. My task appeared simpler: lead this little band of grannies, Lucy, Diane, and Ava, in a one hour prayer meeting.
We met once a month, and committed to pray for each other's grandchildren. We recorded our requests. We prayed for ten-year-old Colin's peaceful transition as he shuttled back and forth between his divorced parents, teenager Kristel's freedom from nicotine addiction, and young  Darren to be united with his mother. Afterwards, we waited expectantly for our faithful God's answer. As the Lord answered, we rejoiced and praised Him.
God set an eternal plan in motion, and He allowed me- the "Moses" complex girl, to participate. Grandmothers will "tell the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done (Psalm 78: 4). I'm one of those voices.
When God assigned you a task, did you attempt to convince Him to find someone else? What was the result? I'd love to hear your comments!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Pastor Appreciation

God has given the church leaders to prepare His people for service (Eph. 4: 11- 13). I appreciate my church pastors because they are not wishy-washy about Biblical truth. Each one boldly and lovingly speaks God's truth, even when the message is unpopular.
October is "Pastor Appreciation Month". Throughout the month, be mindful to pray for, encourage, and show gratitude to your church leaders. Please join me as we intercede for pastors:
LORD God, thank You for those You assigned to lead our congregations. Forgive us LORD when we neglect to pray for these men and women.  Fill them with Your Spirit and wisdom. Bless them and their families with good health and strength. Give them courage preach the good news of Jesus Christ. May the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control- be evident in their lives. When weary, please renew them. Protect them and their loved ones from evil. Remind us to show gratitude and honor to Your servants. In the Name of Jesus, amen!

What do you appreciate about your spiritual leaders?

Photo by Kristy Mapp Photography