Friday, December 4, 2015

Words for Me

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up..."
1 Thessalonians 5: 11 (NIV)
"Are you a praying grandmother?" asked the young woman. Her name was Alicia.
"Yes," I replied.
"I just wanted to encourage you." She explained that after God heard her grandmother's prayers, God answered, rescuing the girl from danger and destruction.
I thanked and hugged her. Her sweet words brought tears to my eyes.
She said it again... "I just wanted to encourage you."
As I considered our encounter, the impact of Alicia's words hit me.
"I just wanted to"
Alicia's words were for me. Not a generality. Not for the masses. They were personal. Specific words spoken at a specific time to a specific person. Me.
"Encourage" means to help, comfort, strengthen by consolation, to call someone for aid, to exhort, to admonish.
Allow these words to comfort and strengthen you today...God hears your voice (Psalm 6: 9; 18: 6; 34: 6; 116: 1). And not only does God hear, God turns (bends down) His ear to us, and saves (Psalm 116). The psalmist responded with praise, thanksgiving, and commitment (Psalm 116: 17- 19).
May we rejoice in the LORD, draw strength from His Word, and encourage one another.
And to Alicia's grandmother, wherever you are, because of your prayers...I was touched. For that, I thank you.
LORD God, our Creator and Father, thank You for Your Word that teaches us Your Will. Forgive us for speaking thoughtless and hurtful words. Help us to control our tongues and to be careful about what we say. Help us to speak encouraging words that build up and help others. May our words be life-giving and bring healing to those who hear. Remind us to speak words of praise and thanksgiving to You. During this Christmas season, may our kind, loving, gentle words be gifts to others. In the Name of Jesus, our Prince of Peace...amen.