Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Memories from Mimi's House

My paternal grandparents, Chester and Pearl, lived in Trinity County, TX. Papaw worked at the mill, and Mimi was a housewife. They raised four kids, and attended church every Sunday. As a child, I spent a lot of time visiting them. Here are a few memories from  Mimi's house:

  • Papaw's stack of paperback hymnals. He loved to attend church "singings."
  • Shopping at Perry Brothers- a five-and-dime variety store. It smelled "old."
  • My older cousins pushing me in the rope swing.
  • Mimi's quilt frame and lots of quilts. She made a quilt for each grandchild. She gave me "bonnet girl."
  • Piecing fabric scraps together at Mimi's "Singer" sewing machine.
  • Shelling peas.
  • Fried okra and banana pudding.
  • A large garden and pecan trees.
  • Playing "store." My cousins and I "sold" the knick-knacks that crowded her shelves and wrote sales slips from the receipt book purchased from Perry Brothers.
  • Old tombstones and country cemeteries nestled deep in the piney woods of east Texas.
  • Attending church with my grandparents.
  • The aluminum Christmas tree and rotating color wheel. You can buy it on ebay. But why would you want to?

What memories do you have from your grandparents' house?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Put It In Writing

After Joshua's victory over the Amalekites, the LORD told Moses "Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure Joshua hears it..." (Exodus 17:14).

Writing things down helps us remember. Because I'm forgetful, I'm a list maker. I have grocery lists, "things to do" lists, and prayer lists.

I keep prayer journals for my grandchildren. This will provided each of them a handwritten keepsake of prayers I prayed and God's answers. Rereading the journals reminds me of these prayers. After attending church with us, I wrote in Joy's journal: "Thank you Lord, for giving her a desire to learn about you. Thank you for giving her a love for reading. During the sermon, she read the Bible. May the daily reading of Your Word become her holy habit." I had forgotten her attentiveness to Scripture that morning. The memory would be lost had I not written the prayer.

Do you remember what you pray? Record Scripture verses, your prayers and God's answers in a journal. Thank Him for his goodness and faithfulness.

Do you journal your prayers? How has it benefitted you?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Can We Have the Piano?

I received a letter from my oldest granddaughter, Joy, telling me she joined the church children's choir. The director talked about instruments and asked each child if they had any instruments at home. Joy's only instrument was a recorder. And then, Joy asked me, "Mimi, can we have the piano?"

It was a BIG request for a seven-year-old.  Joy could not get a piano on her own. She went straight to the one who could meet her desire. I love her boldness.

Are you praying BIG prayers? What seems the most impossible situation you face...something you think will never change? Pray about it. The Bible tells us to "come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb. 4: 16).

As the prophet Jeremiah prayed, he acknowledged nothing is too hard for God (Jeremiah 32: 17). Jesus said, "With God all things are possible" (Mark 10:27).

Without fear and doubt, talk to the LORD about BIG stuff that concerns you. He is able to do far more than we ask or think!

LORD, I thank You we can bring all our cares and concerns to You. Thank You for hearing our prayers. Forgive our fear and doubt. Help us to pray boldly regarding impossible situations. In the mighty name of Your Son, Jesus...amen.

What impossible things has God done for you?

Friday, February 7, 2014

For the Broken-hearted

"The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart..."
Psalm 34: 18 (NKJ)
I purchased Valentine cards for my grandchildren to remind them they are special and loved. But I am reminded that for those who have suffered devastating heartache, Valentine's Day may not be a happy occasion. My "First Friday" prayer is for the broken-hearted. 
Father God, great is your love! You gave your only son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. We are grateful. Forgive us for overlooking the needs of grieving people. Comfort those who mourn with your unfailing love and fill them with your peace. Lift them from despair, and heal their emotions. Restore hope and encourage the broken-hearted. Make them aware of your Presence, and help them to know you will not leave or forsake them. Cause all things to work together for their good. In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus, I pray...amen.
What Scripture brought you comfort during a time of mourning?