- Papaw's stack of paperback hymnals. He loved to attend church "singings."
- Shopping at Perry Brothers- a five-and-dime variety store. It smelled "old."
- My older cousins pushing me in the rope swing.
- Mimi's quilt frame and lots of quilts. She made a quilt for each grandchild. She gave me "bonnet girl."
- Piecing fabric scraps together at Mimi's "Singer" sewing machine.
- Shelling peas.
- Fried okra and banana pudding.
- A large garden and pecan trees.
- Playing "store." My cousins and I "sold" the knick-knacks that crowded her shelves and wrote sales slips from the receipt book purchased from Perry Brothers.
- Old tombstones and country cemeteries nestled deep in the piney woods of east Texas.
- Attending church with my grandparents.
- The aluminum Christmas tree and rotating color wheel. You can buy it on ebay. But why would you want to?
What memories do you have from your grandparents' house?