Saturday, October 11, 2014

Jehovah Raah: The LORD is My Shepherd

"The LORD is my Shepherd..."
Psalm 23: 1
What was I thinking? I chose the least budget-friendly apartment. It was an illogical decision. Yet, I didn't change my mind. It was the summer of 1985. I was a widow with a baby son...and about to bite off more than I thought I could financially chew.

Since then, I've learned I really am a sheep. A very clueless one at that. But I also realize I have a tender, loving Savior Shepherd who leads me, guides me, and gets me where I need to be in spite of myself, no matter how long it takes.

We moved into that Lubbock, TX apartment complex. Weeks later, a male college student moved into the unit next door. That young man would become my future husband, best friend, and father to my little boy.

We married in 1988 and moved to Houston. Life has been a great adventure! We have never been in want. Jesus Christ, our Shepherd - Jehovah Raah-  has provided green pastures of provision and still waters  which have nourished and refreshed our souls. He led us places where we were taught by His pastors and loved by His flock. We've walked through the valley of the shadow of death, experiencing miscarriages, and grieving the loss of  friends and family members. His Presence comforted us. We are thankful.

His goodness and mercy continue to follow me throughout my life. I delight in the promise that I will dwell in the LORD's house forever.

How has the LORD revealed Himself as Jehovah Raah to you?



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