Saturday, January 10, 2015

One Word 2015

God desires His People to be conformed, not to the world, but to the image of His Son Jesus (Romans 8: 28- 30; Romans 12: 1-2). As considered areas for growth and improvement in 2015, I asked the Lord to give me "ONE WORD" to represent an area where I can mature in Christ. "ONE WORD" is easier to remember than a list of resolutions, that I'm not likely to keep.

My "ONE WORD" is:

"Intentional" resonates with me. As I read, I'm amazed how frequently that word occurs! Uncertain of what I am to be "intentional" about, I will continue to ask God to guide me in this area, yielding my plans to His good plan for me.

Prayerfully consider choosing "ONE WORD" to focus on in 2015. Write your word on an index card, and keep it in a prominent place. Ask God to help you grow in this area, and then take steps to put it into practice. Choose a supportive friend to help and encourage your growth. Throughout the year, review your goals, and restart if necessary. I'm cheering for you!

What's your "ONE WORD" for 2015?

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