Friday, July 3, 2015

Prayer for America

As we observe Independence Day and celebrate our freedoms, let's also rejoice that on the cross, Jesus Christ, took our punishment and died to save us! And let us remain diligent to pray for our beloved nation.

Father God, You are holy, righteous, and just. You are our loving Creator, and Sovereign LORD of the universe. You are good, faithful, and merciful. Your word is true.

Thank you for the United States of America. Thank you for hearing the prayers of our forefathers, and for your abundant blessings. Thank you for the sacrifices made for our freedom. Thank you for our godly heritage. Thank you for the opportunities and freedoms we enjoy in this nation. 

We acknowledge that your Son, Jesus, the Messiah, died to forgive and set people free from their sins.  We need of your grace and mercy.

As your people, we confess our nation has turned against You and Your righteous commands. Have mercy, and forgive us! Forgive our arrogance, pride, ingratitude, and disobedience. Heal our land we pray.

Your holy Word says righteousness exalts a nation. Restore righteousness across our land. Give us the strength to stand for truth. When man-made laws contradict Your laws, give your people courage to obey You rather than human authority. Help us to honor you with our conduct, speech, thoughts, and resources. Teach us to be humble, kind, compassionate, and loving. Bless the work of our hands as we serve the poor and oppressed. Bless our leaders with wisdom and a reverence for You. Guide each marriage and home. God, please bless America.

The battle belongs to You, LORD. Victory is yours! I offer this prayer in the Name above every name...Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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