Friday, September 11, 2015

Remembering September 11, 2001

As I turned into the school parking lot, KSBJ's Susan O'Donnell reported a plane had crashed into New York City skyscraper. 

"That's weird," I thought, "How can a pilot not see a tall building?"

After dropping off my son, I pulled into a parking spot to review my lesson before heading over to Evelyn's to lead Bible study. My cell phone rang. It was Raeann, and she was screaming. Another plane had hit a NYC building.

What is going on?

America was under attack. 

When I arrived at Evelyn's, she said there's nothing she'd rather do that morning than study the Bible. We read the account of Noah from Genesis.  God made a covenant with Noah never to destroy every living thing as He had done.  The rainbow is a sign of His covenant promise. After Bible study, I returned to the Christian school where I worked as the yearbook adviser and librarian.

Terrorists had crashed passenger planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. A third hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth hijacked plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field. The Twin Towers collapsed as many Americans watched on television. People hurried to churches to pray. Prayer meetings were held all over Houston and across the nation. At our home church, we watched President George W. Bush address the nation. We prayed for the victims, the church in New York City, repentance, and peace. President Bush proclaimed Friday, September 14, as a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. Our Christian school secondary students met to pray in the sanctuary, while the elementary children prayed in their classrooms.  In President Bush's address to Congress, he said, "Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done."

Surrounded by stained glass and maternal family members, I sat in the sanctuary of Our Savior's Lutheran Church, the church of my grandparents, Anna and Louis. It was the place where they dedicated their babies to the Lord, and later, were confirmed. That particular morning was the tenth anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. Being in a house of worship brought me comfort. 

Over and over, I reflected that this was my grandmother's church. This is my mother's home church. And then, the Holy Spirit's reminder..."This is where your spiritual walk began." With that realization, and the horrific memories of September 11, 2001, the choir began to sing "Jesus Loves Me", a familiar childhood Sunday school song. I was undone with emotion.

How sweet the Lord to orchestrate my days and take me back to my spiritual roots on that day of remembrance. I quickly jotted down my memories of this spiritually significant morning. I did not want to forget. 

I never want to forget. 
I never want to forget what happened to our nation that tragic September morning. I never want to forget the images and the stories that emerged from the rubble. I never want to forget that our first responders run into the danger when everyone else flees. I never want to forget the sacrifice of our military men and women and their families.  I never want to forget the company of godly women who met that morning to study God's Word and pray. And I never want to forget that God is good. He is faithful to His promises and loving to all He has made. 
God bless you and yours, and God bless America. 
What are your memories of 9-11?

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