Psalm 78: 4 says, "We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done." (NIV). We can communicate God's greatness in a holiday letter.
First, pray and ask for God's direction. Ask Him to help you determine whom to write and what to communicate.
Next, share a special memory or event, and elaborate on your feelings. Keep your letter short and readable.
Conclude with a sincere wish, blessing, or prayer. Apostle Paul concluded his second letter to the Corinthian church this way: "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all." 2 Cor. 13:14.
Finally, pray for your recipient before mailing the letter.
I wrote this letter to my niece, Madison:
Dear Madison,
Do you remember when we visited the Natural Science Museum's Butterfly Center? While you remained quiet and still, a butterfly settled softly on your hand.
A butterfly goes through stages. First a female butterfly lays an egg. Next a caterpillar hatches from the egg. Then the caterpillar feeds, grows, and sheds its skin before changing into a pupa. A time of waiting follows. Finally, the butterfly struggles to emerge. The new butterfly is unique and beautiful.
A big lesson I learned in my Patriarchs Bible study is when God gives you a promise, expect a time of waiting and testing before the promise is fulfilled.
Waiting for the fulfillment of God's promise reminds me of a butterfly. The promise is revealed, and followed by a season of preparation, waiting, and testing, just as the butterfly strives to get out of the cocoon. And finally, when it seems you will never see the promise come to pass, it arrives right on time, and you are left in awe.
The LORD has promises for you. While waiting for their fulfillment, you may be tempted to believe God has forgotten you. At times, you may feel the enemy is about to devour you. Other times, it may seem the trial is more than you can bear. But never give up. Remember Apostle Paul's words, "Fight the good fight of faith." When your promise comes, marvel in God's faithfulness! He always keeps His Word.
This Christmas season, may you be in awe of the wonder of the Promised Messiah. Merry Christmas, Madison! I love you!
Aunt Lori
Share the great things the LORD did or taught you in a special letter, a treasured keepsake for your loved one!
What great thing has God done for you recently?
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