Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 9- 15, 2015. The RAK Foundation's purpose is to inspire a culture of kindness in schools, homes, and communities. Being kind is a good thing.
"Random" means "proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern." It can also be defined as "odd and unpredictable."
God's not random. He has prepared good works for me (Ephesians 2: 10). He gives me multiple opportunities throughout the day to extend kindness. It's my responsibility to be still and listen to His voice.
Since my kindness "fail", I've been more attentive to the Holy Spirit's nudges. After a delightful conversation with a nurse practitioner, the LORD prompted me to give her a hug. So I did.
Develop the holy habit of showing kindness, not just one week a year, but every single day.
Abba Father, thank you for your lovingkindness! Thank you for your forgiveness, and for sacrificing your one and only son on our behalf. Give us an awareness of the opportunities you provide to show kindness to our family, friends, and strangers. Help us model kindness to our children and grandchildren. May kindness become our daily habit. Amen.
It's always a good day to show kindness. How has someone shown kindness to you?
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