The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is the story of a young girl, Liesel Meminger, living in Nazi Germany during World War II. As Liesel and her brother make the journey to live with foster parents, he dies along the way. At her brother's gravesite, Liesel snatches her first book- The Grave Digger's Handbook. It becomes a treasured possession, even though she cannot read or write.
Liesel moves in with her foster parents, Rosa and Hans Hubermann, and soon meets Rudy Steiner, a boy who becomes her best friend. Liesel learns to read, and continues stealing books, including one banned by Hitler.
When Max Vandenburg, a Jew, shows up at the Hubermanns door, the family risks their lives to hide him in their basement.
The Book Thief is a popular book club selection. The novel contains the themes of courage, love, loss, abandonment, guilt, and the power of words which was my favorite theme of the book. Proverbs 18: 21 says, "Death and Life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Words have the power to save and heal; words also have the power to destroy. Liesel both loves words and hates words. She witnesses the destruction of Hitler's words, and she experiences the healing, comforting words of her foster father.
The novel is appropriate for teens and adults. It presents opportunities for dynamic dialogue between parents and teens. Zusak masterfully uses strong imagery. The book contains curse words and violence (in the form of beatings). It's worth reading!
The Book Thief was released as a movie in 2013.
Have you read The Book Thief? Who is your favorite character and why?
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