Children, of all ages, love receiving mail! I send greeting cards to each grandchild regardless how near or far away they live. The dollar store is my favorite place to purchase nice cards for a low price.
For a special touch, I personalize each card with a unique, handwritten prayer. Here are three tips for writing prayers to include in your greeting cards:
1. Acknowledge an attribute of God such as loving, faithful, good, merciful, or powerful.
2. Give thanks for the recipient, and for their character, gifts, talents, or abilities.
3. Ask the LORD to help the child be or do something, such as "Be kind to family members" or "Obey their parents."
Here's an example of my Valentine Prayer:
Mighty God, you are our all-powerful Creator. Thank you for Buddy. Because you are a good God, you have a good plan for his life. Help Buddy to love you, and to love and be kind to others. Amen.
(Ephesians 4: 32).
Because my grandchildren are young, I keep each prayer short and simple, using vocabulary they know. As they grow, I can lengthen my prayers for them. I also like to include the Scripture references for Bible verses I prayed. When the child reads these Scriptures, it helps them develop an awareness that you are praying God's Word. As they learn and memorize Bible verses, they too can pray God's Word.
Blessings to you and yours on Valentine's Day!
To whom will you send a Valentine card? Why is this person special?
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