Friday, January 10, 2014

One Word 2014: WRITE

Her Facebook post read, "My one little word for 2014 is "PLAYFUL".  My friend intends to live  playfully, not missing any blessed moments of 2014.
"Hmmm...interesting," I thought. "What's this 'one word' thing all about?' My curiosity led me on a journey. In a nutshell, it's about choosing one word to define you the entire  year. One meaningful, challenging word to provide focus and direction,  and encourage growth - rather than a list of well-intended, but often broken resolutions. One little word. That's And I was inspired.

I tend to make some kind of resolution or goal for each new year. And I've learned...the fewer the better. I hate to call a resolution, a resolution, because resolutions get a bad rap. But this "one word" thing.. I have to say friends, has me excited!

Scanning a list of words, the word "WRITE" jumped off the page. It resonated. "That's it...that's my word." I was pleased.

But, I started to over think (another thing I tend to do). Maybe "WRITE" isn't the right word. I'm a blogger, after all. "WRITE" is something I already do. The truth is, I don't write every day. I get distracted and lose focus. "WRITE" also has spiritual significance. Those are the reasons  I chose it as my "one word".  I'm looking forward to the journey!

What's your "one word" for 2014? Please WRITE it in the comments section. And may you accomplish all God has planned for you in 2014! I wish you success.


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