Friday, September 13, 2013

"Book It!" Helping Kids Memorize Scripture- Part 3

Moses instructed the people of Israel to love the LORD and teach God's commands to their children. Parents were to impress and talk about them in all situations. God's commands were to be tied and bound to hands and foreheads, and written on the doorframes of houses and on gates. Moses exhorted the people not to forget the LORD ( Deut. 6: 4- 12 ).

Kindergarten students at our Christian school memorized Bible verses beginning with each letter of the alphabet. I tucked the idea in my brain, and retrieved it when my granddaughter started kindergarten. Together, we made an "ABC Bible verse" scrapbook.
Help children memorize and retain Scripture by including verses in a scrapbook or photo album, journal, or digital book. Not only will they have written reminders of God's Word, but their recorded family history as well.  An "ABC Bible verse" album also makes a great baby shower or birthday gift.
On each page include:
1.  A page title. For the "A" memory verse, the title is simply "A".  I use a sticker letter "A".
2.  The memory verse and reference (typed or handwritten).
3.  A photo (or drawing) illustrating the verse. For the "A" verse, my grandchildren dressed up in costumes and held props.
4.  A caption including the "who", "what", "where", "when" details describing the photo. When children are in the photo, include their ages.
5.  Add a few decorative stickers (optional).
I recommend using photo safe products. Look for "acid-free" labels. And pray, asking the Lord to give you creativity to help teach and impress God's Word upon the young ones in your life!

 "A" verse: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
Rom. 3: 23 (NIV)
In my next post, I'll share some of the Scriptures and photo ideas used in our "ABC Bible verse" scrapbook. Please share your tips for helping kids memorize God's word in the comments section. Thank you for visiting my blog. 




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